Kolisi Foundation Annual Report 2022-23

Crafting their first-ever annual report from the ground up.

As the Kolisi Foundation's first annual report, this project involved building the design from scratch to showcase that year's progress. Completed during a three-month internship in Cape Town, this project involved sorting through a year’s worth of content, exploring numerous layout options, and refining it all into a cohesive, polished design. The impact? It set the groundwork for how the Kolisi Foundation shares its story and celebrates its work.

This annual report was a dynamic process; it grew to 75 pages at its peak and was ultimately condensed to 25. This iterative process involved refining content, revising layouts, and discarding ideas to strike the right balance and impact. 

June–August 2023

SCOPEIllustration; Print; Hand-lettering; Proceate

TEAMPhotographer: Carli Smith
Copywriter & Editor: Valerie Anderson
Project Manager: Andrea Sasman